JC Suman Agarwal | Zone Director Growth & Development

Your profile in JCI: Was a member of jci guwahati Queens in 2018, was a prayas zone ambassador in 2019, Winner of President excellence Award in 2019, Winner of Most Outstanding lady Jaycee 2019, outstanding zone ambassador Award of Excellence in NATCON,2019. Currently Zone Director growth and development 2020.

Attended EPS, LOTS, CAPP, zots,midcon2018,midcon 2019,zonecon 2018,zonecon 2019

Other Accolades :
Mcom honors, LLB honors, 1st class in assam VISHARAD in Hindi,practising Interior designing 

Married to Dr Sushil Agarwalla.MD Psychiatric and blessed with one boy, Master Abeer Agarwal. 4yrs