EVP JCI Rekha Rathore

She is at present the Executive Vice President (EVP) Area – D – JCI India


Name – JFP Rekha Rathore

Date of birth – 22 April

Birth place – Agra

Education – M.A (Social Science)

Married to JCI Sentor Ranjit singh Rathore in 2004

Children – Jclt Ayush & Arpan

“Millstones in Jaycee Carrier”

Joined Jaycees- 2004

Wing chairperson of JCI Jhansi Classic – 2009

Outstanding JCRT award in Natcon

Became LOM President of JCI Jhansi Veerangna – 2015

Best LOM President of the Zone Award 2015

Became One day National President in Presidential Academy – 2015

Charter President of JCI Jhansi Goonj – 2016

Best LOM president of The zone award 2016

Served as Zone Vice President of Zone II in 2018

Out standing award in National director

Served as Zone President Zone-II in the Year 2019

Winner of Out standing Zone President 2019 in Nagpur Natcon

100% efficiency Award 2019 by National President