JCI provides the framework for young active citizens to create sustainable impact in communities all over the world.
SSF (5)

Message from Zone President's Desk

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JCI Creed

We Believe That faith in god gives meaning and purpose to human life, That the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations, That economic justice can best be won by free men through free enterprise, That government should be of laws rather than of men, That earth’s great treasure lies in human personality, And that service to humanity is the best work of life. – Bill Brownfield
हमारा विश्वास है – कि ईश्वर में आस्था मानव जीवन को सार्थकता एवं उद्देश्य प्रदान करती है I कि मानव की बंधुत्व भावना राष्ट्रों की प्रभुसत्ता से परे है I कि आर्थिक न्याय की सर्वोत्तम उपलब्धि स्वतंत्र मानव के स्वतंत्र उद्यम द्वारा हो सकती है I कि शासन व्यक्ति का नहीं वरन् विधि का होना चाहिए I कि वसुधा की महान् निधि मानव व्यक्तित्व में निहित है I कि मानवता की सेवा जीवन का सर्वोत्तम कार्य है I – बिल ब्रोवन्फील्ड

Founder’s Perspective​​

“From within the walls of the soul of this organization, wherein the foundation of character and good citizenship are laid, I hope a message will come in the sometimes of tomorrow, that will stir the people towards the establishment of a permanent and everlasting world peace.” Henry Giessenbier (1892-1935)

JCI Mission

To provide development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change.

JCI Vision

To be the leading global network of Young Active Citizens.

Core Values

Faith in God. Government of Laws. The Brotherhood of Man. Human Personality. Individual Freedom and Dignity. Service to Humanity.

Leaders of 2021

JC Sen Ryubun Kojima WP

President 2021

JC Rakhi Jain

National President - JCI India

EVP JC Kavita Soni 2

EVP 2021

JC Sital Lohia

President, Zone XXV

JC Ankur Jhunjhunwala

Imm. Past Zone President
WhatsApp Image 2022-02-08 at 9.07.29 PM
WhatsApp Image 2022-02-08 at 9.07.20 PM
WhatsApp Image 2022-03-03 at 1.22.50 AM (1)

Upcoming Events

Events of 2021

About JCI

JCI is a World wide federation of young leaders and entrepreneurs having a membership of 2 lakh active members and millions of JCI alumni participating in project, meetings, learning programs and events. JCI thrives in more than 6 lakhs communities located in about 115 countries throughout the world. JCI members are 18 to 40 year old professionals and entrepreneurs who have joined a local JCI Chapter. We meet, learn and grow. We create positive change. We train to become better.

We are young active citizens all over the world. Living, communicating, taking action and creating impact in our communities. Are you a young active citizen? Do you want to make a difference in your community? Join us on this journey of local action for global impact.

A nonprofit organization of young active citizens of age 18-40 who are engaged & committed to create impact in the society. Active citizens are individuals invested in the future of our world. We gathers active citizens from all sectors of society & develop the skills, knowledge & understanding to make informed decisions & take action.

As globally minded young people, we all have rights, responsibilities & share goals. We find targeted solutions to local issues benefitting our communities, our world & our future. Embracing new ideas, collaboration & diversity, we have the passion & courage to address the critical challenges of our time.

JCI members take initiative to solve local challenges. More than a one-time donation or service opportunity, we focus on sustainable impact locally and globally. It only takes one active citizen to change the world. Be that active citizen today.

Our Partners

For any query contact us at

Message from Zone President's Desk

Dear JCI Zone XXV family,  


This present year, 2021 has been nothing short of remarkable. It has been a year of many firsts. We are the first zone in the 72 years history of JCI India to achieve 100% growth. For the first time in the history of Zone XXV, we are hosting a national program ABLE, and an inter zone program ZTWS. We organised the first ever ZGB Installation program in the Zone. Another first is the magnitude of our participation in national programs. We have never before in the 7 years of Zone XXV, sent as many participants to various national programs as we did this year. Be it the Presidential Academy, or Jasmine, or Kumar, or NALANDA, Zone XXV was everywhere, and left a lasting mark behind. And it is YOU who has made all this possible. I THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!  

We have achieved much in the little time that we have had. We were a large part of the largest vaccination drive in the world and have administered more than 25000 vaccines to people. Our PR has been our strength and newspapers have carried our news almost on a daily basis. Today JCI is a common household name in the region. But even as we revel in the glory of our achievements, we must ensure that we see this amazing year to a STRONG FINISH. The last leg is the most important in any race!  

We are very close to achieving 100% efficiency for the Zone – first time ever. Let us together make it happen by ensuring that each and every LOM of Zone XXV is 100% efficient.  

Awards are around the corner. It is that time of the year when we showcase all the hard work that we have done and get recognised for the same. Let us make sure that the awards night is star studded and glittering for Zone XXV. Please bid for awards, and bid well! Kamalpatra, TOBIP and OYP are honours that we must seek for our zone.  

The Junior Jaycee Wing of JCI India is a very critical part of our organisation. It secures the future of Jayceeism, and trains people to become active citizens from a young age. To boost the footprint of Junior Jaycees in Zone XXV, we have decided to form a separate Zone Governing Board of Junior Jaycees that will be led by a Junior Jaycee Zone Chairman. Please come forward to make this movement strong in every LOM.  

We are a Zone that is comprised of 60% female members. This is big advantage that we have. Let us empower ourselves to empower the society.  

I wish each one of you the very best in life and in JCI! Let us be the HEROS of our own story.  

We Are Zone XXV. 

With Best Regards,
JC Ankur Jhunjhunwla
Zone President 2021
JCI India – Zone XXV