- +91 98640 23726
- zprajeshzonexxv@gmail.com
JC Sumit started his journey as trainer in the year 2016 with completing his Effective Public Speaking course. He then attended the Speechcraft in 2017 at Guwahati and in the same year completed his Zone Trainer Work Shop (ZTWS) at Chittorgarh and qualified as the Zone Trainer. He conducted over 50 training programs as zone trainer in the entire zone for jaycees, Lions, Akhil Bhartiya Marwadi Mahila Sammelan, Leo Clubs and many other organisations. He in the year 2019 completed his National Train The trainer Seminar (NTTTS) and graduated as the National Trainer of JCI India. He completed his assignments in 3 different states outside north east and conducted over 14 programs during his assignment period.
In the year 2018, he represented JCI as a guest speaker in the prestigious TEDx organised at Sibsagar, Assam where he delivered his speech on How to Set Goals of Life.
He is a prolific trainer and has conceived the idea of a residential training for teenagers under the name of JASPER and had co piloted in 2018 and 2019. JASPER is one of the most coveted program of ZONE XXV and is acclaimed to be at the standard of National Level Program.
He has also conducted LOTS in 2019 as a co pilot for zone xxv and this year was appointed as the co pilot of Speechcraft for zone xxv which unfortunately could not be held due to Covid 19 pandemic. His knowledge on the content of the subject is unmatched. He touches the basics of any subject and delivers it with ease which can be understood by his audience. He believes that training is all about output and not input.
JCI is a World wide federation of young leaders and entrepreneurs having a membership of 2 lakh active members and millions of JCI alumni participating in project, meetings, learning programs and events.